"I'M on top of the world/lookin down on creation/...."
MANIFESTO: n. A public declaration of motives and intentions by a government or by a person or group regarded as having some public importance. Author's note-Human beings are not products of their enviroment. Rather they are products of the events that occured in their enviroments. In the present moment they are the result/products of those events. These are my thougts, emotions, feelings, and manifestions of my current life in Asia.
Why do some people bother to travel, if they will spend the entire time complaining about not being able to get a diet coke? I have spent more time listening to complaining about the conditions that my fellow volunteers have had to live in and the food they have had to eat as oppose to them just taking a risk and trying something new. All it has been exasperating, cause you can only listen to so much complaining. I call it the five star syndrome. The signs of it are- incessive bitching at home about how bored one is, how everything outside of the country is exotic and a "rewarding adventure", then once they arrive they have this 5 star reality that nothing can live up to. Reagan had to fix the cold war, cause if Russia had actually beat us then we would kill ourselves because we really didn't get our mtv.
The program is getting on my last nerve. Its actually rough living with several other personalities, for short periods of time, in a strange situation. It doesn't get easier if everyone isn't on the same page in terms of purpose..In situation there has to be cohesion. It could come from a leader, or the activity itself. When there is absence of both, then to me it's a big black hole.
China has been a big step for me also. I feel that it's a place I would never be able to really come adjusted to if I had to live here for period of time. It's rough. It is a developing country. The driving is erratic, the people are friendly and noisy :). I don't think that I could ever get used to people just staring at me as if I really did come from another planet. And the occational conversation about my physical being as if I weren't there. Sometimes they can be nice, and sometimes they can be very nasty. Really nasty. The poverty is something that just jarrs me at times. Its difficult to see children pimped by their mothers for pennies. To look in their eyes and see any shred of self esteem, just ripped out of them. The saddest incident I saw didn't involve a child, but a woman who was in her late 20s to mid 30s, who sat on the steps of McDonald, declaring to a large audience that she was no good as a person and as a wife because her husband left her.
I have to say that all these experiences have just shown me how life occurs in different ways, different days, and always has the same them.
I have been looking forward to going to Tibet. I am ;hoping to have some transformation, spiritually. I find it ironic, because in 2001, I tried to go to visit a friend who was working there but couldn't get it to work, now I am going. I am hoping to see something anew about myself, and to leave behind something old. That is one of the greatest things about traveling if you give into the adventure, you can be "born again'
This morning I began to have a conversation with two other women what constituted common sense and maturity. They both were commenting on the lack of it seen in the group dynamic and exhibited by people. At what age is someone considered mature enough to , lets say, travel overseas? That's a toss up as varied as what is a good age to get married. I have encounter kids 19 that make me feel like I have some growing to do. And I have encountered 25 year olds who seem to never have really made it out of kinde. So, I am basically counting the days down until I leave the volunteer program I have been involved in. I have lost all patience with being able to deal with the shit that has been thrown my way, along with just the program over all. The group that I am working with come in all different ages and places. But the mentality has been outrageous. What would define maturity? I have been dealing with a very asenine person lately. My roommate. I don't think I have met anyone so annoying and persistent in being annoying. Yet, I don't even remember ever have meeting someone who can't get the ideal of respecting personal space in their head. In the beginning, I wrote off a lot of her behavior as 1st week jitters. But as time wore on, I began to see that she has been raised by some of the most ignorant people alive. She has asked me "Why all blacks like to eat fried Chicken" " why do we have such lazy work habits". I am not the only person that she has posed such questions to. I have heard her say Mexicans are dirty (funny-cause she's fuckin one right now) and lazy. That Arabs should not be trusted and be prayed for becaue they are creating havoc in the world right now(sic). Calling me a bitch and writing it off as a joke. Arrrghhh. Ah and her personal living habits are absolutely discussing. I swear that I have smelled a dead body under her bed. SO, having put up with enough shit, I have to told her to not to talk to me. Ahhh, but she has seen that as a way to continue to harass me. I guess she figures that she can lord over me because of some of the ideas that have been placed in her head. This is what the new age people call "a lesson". The bible followers call it a "test" What the police call a potential 187 in L.A.
Is it judgment to assume that when you are traveling/living in another culture that you would leave behind some of your old ways and behaviors to adapt to the new climate? Or just allow yourself to expand because you are meeting people from different slices of the persective called life? Some people are able to do it some aren't . But where do you cede? One of my biggest rackets is the fact that American society and mentality has lowered itself in the recently years. To be clear, I am not anti-American, and could find a shit load of stuff that's great about it but to tell the truth, what are we doing, saying, producing,creating, rearing, etc that makes us #1? Are we being responsible for these things that really support what we believe or we so caught up in the hype of our own bs that we have become the emperor's new clothes in mental form?
What have I been doing since arriving in Xian, to volunteer? Well, the first month I was possessed by that discount demon, finding DVD's for $1. Some are copies and some are are good copies of the real deal so you can't tell. Also, expanding my CD colletion. I have seen some of the sights, but truth be told I'm not a tourist. More like a world shopper. Otherwise, I have been studying and playing Majong,which is very addictive once you figure out the oh-146 or so pieces. I have played with street bums, neighbors, and the other volunteers. The people I live with are interesting-for lake of a kinder word. Majority are American, and I have been racking my brain to figure out their quirks. What conclusion I have come to is that America is a nation of bullies. In the full force day and age of PC-dom, and "freedom" I notice that those are code words for "I don't like what you are/doing/being...so change it" In Asia, I have noticed a level of tolerance for others and consideration being placed on what would make someone else comfortable,happy, etc. But with Americans, the first thing to generally arise is how someone else's thing is interfering in their "whatever" and how it should be stopped. What ever happened to "maybe it's not for you but who are you to be the one to judge?" Did that get killed off in the Patriot act and post 9-11 era? Or during the anti-smoking witch hunt? I don't know but I sure wish Emily POst hadn't moved out of the country. Or was she burned by her antiquated thoughts?
Anyway, living in China is rather rough. One has to deal with daily comments of being a foreigner, and the stares. Oh the stares...Sometimes they are curious and sometimes they are if you have a tit on your forehead. Occationally, I will overhear a nasty comment about being black, and I am always mistaken for being an African. Which I have noticed that I have such a strong reaction to. I know it's because I am have a fear of being identified with a group of people who generally not most popular on the block. But it's a embedded issue not just stemming from wanting to be seen as someone "acceptable", but also what I believe the implications are of being associated with Africa mean to me. Once a man argued me down, saying that America has no blacks. That was a hoot and a holler. But generally I found the Chinese polite,too blunt at times,and funny. But I am counting down the time to when I get to return to Taiwan.
I know I know ...If I start something I need to finish it. But if there was a way for me to combine shopping and being lazy and watching TV with achieving one's life goals, then I would be able to do it all... It's been about a month here in Xian and a lot has happened. The cliques began in the first week, and by the second week, the cat fights began. It’s happens when you put 7 women in a two bedroom apartment. The cliques have been interesting; with the young, good looking and highly intense thinking one’s secluding themselves and having deep conversations. Otherwise, this trip has been okay. Living in China is difficult in the manner that it is not a near a first world country, even thought the standard of living is quite good compared to what one would read in the newspapers. Their way of living, well I could live here all my life and never become accustomed to some things. For example, their driving. Like in the States they have stoplights, and street markings, but those seem to be irrelevant in
The most exciting thing for me is being able to create a DVD collection for under 500 dollars. I have been finding all kinds of American movies on bootleg, latest and older ones as well as a couple of TV shows. I’m on the hunt for the Soprano's forth season, since I can get it here for less than 12 dollars...Well, there's more to come since I have found an internet cafe.