Tuesday, August 31, 2004

What we need is some lovin here today......

Okay, this is part 2 of my journal that was supposed to continue from yesterday. As I did eventually get out of bed and go to my school to do some affairs. I returned home and picked up the English and Chinese newspaper. God, when I leave Taiwan I will really miss the Apple Daily. Anyway, I read in the English newspaper that in Congo, since the 5 year civil war, that there are about 30 reported rape cases a week. 30!!! That is too many of us as a human race. It concerns me that there are women there who are not getting the ‘proper’ social and emotional support they should be…
I’m going to be really blunt about this because One= I’m tooo tired to write a long diatribe on what I thinks ;’right’ and ‘wrong’ on what’s going on in the Congo. I was raped in college. And while I didn’t report it, I read these stories and think what is going on with the protection of black women around the world? My bottom line is that maybe we don’t need to reach out to these women but to the men. If we can get the men to remember their own humanity and to own it, then safety of women will be issues that are non-existent……

Monday, August 30, 2004

Ah,,,,life is good......

Okay, I peeled my self off of my version of serta matress today to see what's going on out in the world today. I just checked my weblog, and noticed that someone saw my last post. Now, must of the time, I'm being honest about my life, just jotting down feelings that are at the surface, not being serious about alot of them. Yet, when I look back at my last post, I noticed that I put sucidal about my situation. The immediate, 'Im embrassed' came to surface. It's interesting how one can be so candid, yet no matter how old you get honesty sometimes seems to go way of 'what's correct' to say.....-to be continued...

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Punxatawny Bob must feel this way....

I didn't go out today. In fact, I stayed in bed. I tried to get out of bed. But blame it on my new mattress, it's soo dammed comfortable. I guess, I never really made the effort because where was I going to go? Being that I have no friends to hang out with and call, I just didn't feel like scooting around Taipei looking for something to do. And you can only study so much. Go to the mall? Oh, I have shopped enough, and spent more money than I should and care to any more. The interesting thing is that I do pray, every day to make friends. I have been praying that same prayer since I was a kid. I have had luck but it never runs long. I have been really praying for friends since I have moved out on my own. I noticed then how much alone and isolated I am. I have gone the way of volunteering and joining groups to make friends, but it seems that along the way, either I have failed at some social manners or just didn't make the connection. Occationally, I feel suicidal cause I think what's the point in living if you have no one to share it with. I am planning on getting a dog, but dogs can't understand the excitement of seeing a great movie. Or go to dinner with ya. Let alone cook you a nice one.

During one of my prayer sessions, I got the feeling to read Psalms 27. At the end it says "Wait patienly on the Lord/Be brave and courageous/Yes, wait patiently on the Lord." I guess that asking when isn't waiting patienly, but I would like enjoy my youth.......

I got this for free when I bought gas the other day. I guess this means that Jesus is in the business of 'erasing your sins'......  Posted by Hello

Lets talk about sex.....

It's enviable at some point in time when living overseas, you will crave certain things from home that you just can't get. Comfort food, a good TV show, certain beauty nessarities, white clothes are just a few things that come to mind. For me it's grits, IHOP,Taco Bell, The Bernie Mac show, and sex. Yep that's right good ole S-E-X.
I'm 32 and scientifically that puts me in my prime. My body would agree with science especially when I surrounded occationally by young good looking males or on all those lonely dateless weekends. But the enviable question that I have echoed by my fellow female travelers are "Why aren't we getting any?" While Asia is a 'man's world' it is quite common for a western male, to drop off the plane and right into 'it'. Very rarely do I encounter a western male, black or white, who hasn't been able to take care of his needs. This is not to say that Asian women are freer or looser, it's just more common for them to go outsider racial lines, to find "love". Hence, the scales are tipped in favor of 'da man'.
While reading posts on the local forum for people who live in Taiwan, one comment stuck out for me. A black female posted that she observed that black females are on the low end of the dating food chain .[sic] The irony of it is that she isn't just commenting on black female status in Asia, but in general. It seems like from the time I was growing up to current times, the ability for a black female to find herself in a dating plethora, has gone like the Homeland security color levels. Difficult to impossible to dead. Many black females cry "Where are the good black males". And the answer would seem to be , "Well, they are married to white women, taken, or gay." That remains to be answered. While "good" black men, that one would desire, especially if one holds a degree, a prosperous job, and in my case, some world travel seem to be elusive, then why are we having trouble attracting anyone at all?
Could part of it be that the perception of black women now is that we are too much to handle? Too independent? Too verbal? Perception can be a tricky thing. It rarely has any truth to it. It is common that the perception of blacks outside of America is somewhat as negative as the one in America. Yet, I think the thing that makes it harder for a black woman in Asia to find herself the object of desire is exactly that-we aren't usually considered to be desirable. Given the visibility of whites in various life roles, then the sex/dating scale tips in their favor.
You can count on one hand the black sex symbols we have. There's Halle, Beyonce, Janet,etc. But these are women who are entertainers, who's jobs require them to play that role. It is rare to see a nameless sexy black women in an ad, or somewhere else. And Asia takes it's fad lead from America, so what is stamped with the US Grade of desirability there is generally the same over here. We do not saturate the market as models, teachers, and business people. So the fact that we aren't in Asia in high numbers, doesn't give Asians a great amount of chance to interact with us. To explore our personalities, and natures. They pretty much go based upon their own thoughts/beliefs and ones given to them by others.
White women here, fair a little easier but not much. They first must contend with beliefs that they are 'loose' or 'very sexual beings', like Carrie and co. in "Sex and the City". And that doesn't work in their corner at first. Men don't generally like to feel intimidated, especially when it comes to the bedroom. So, Asian men may tend to be reluctant in part with dating a white woman, due to those beliefs. Then on the other hand, white women are considered 'desirable' by their own men, therefore in Asia it can be a lucky toss up because if they choose not to date outside the race, there is plenty of white males to choose from. And vice versa for the males. I think that Asian men tend not to have to go outside the race, to begin with because there is no 'shortage' of suitable Asian women to select from. The conversation about Asian women, is generally is that they are desirable and/or a good companion.
Compatibility is high on the list here. And who else would be compatible but someone who is common in ethnic background and looks. Of course, you also want someone you can eventually bring home to the 'family' but familiarity I think is a strong determining factor in the dating process. The language barrier can also prevent many a love connection here as well as other factors in the international relationship arena. Asian tend to 'look after one another' in the dating arena. It's not uncommon for a couple to have been introduced to each other by their friends, workmates, or family. The belief of unity/familal ties that is still strong that helps enable Asians make the dating process fairly easier. Now when you take all of the above into consideration, it seems that there's no room for love or a nice romantic fling for a black woman. Not so. We may just have to reinvent the rules of love so that they work in our favor.
Given my 'extensive' time period of lack of love, I have come to the belief that some of it was good and some of it about as frustrating as waiting in the DMV line. Of course the time has given me perception or space to form what I want in a relationship, all that blah blah blah. Going to a night club, to find someone, is not an option for me, and I have tried internet dating only to find that most of the Asian men that responded were more interested in improving their English abilities. Vibrator-nah, cause the feeling of all the 'sportmanship' in sex ain't even there. So, what's a good black woman gonna do? Who knows. There's an answer out there, but for now I guess I have to keep on making sure that everything looks nice when I go out, and just hope that fate is a real thing.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

I feel for ya.............

This is the second time I have to write this blog. So, the pics below are what the Tyhpoon Arie did to my padio last night. Scared, I tell ya of all that wind whippin about and hearing things flyin around. I am glad now that my house is made of conceret cause if the roof had blown off I would have been somewhere else, and that would have been an unnessary visa run.
I know what people on the south-eastern board must feel like now when those hurricanes hit them. I raise my glasses to them, cause I was chicken-s^%t last night. I stayed up and just talked out loud to myself about all sorts of things, but then again that may have been due to the severe cabin fever I have been developing. I was hoping that my father would call to check up on me, thanks dad you didn't. But today I emerged from my hole, didn't see my shadow, but only saw crap I have to clean up, as if I had really cleaned up from the beginning of moving in. (rolling eyes) Then my language exchange partner called me, and we had a blast cause he helped me learn some new words and read some stupidly funny article on a local celeb who was photographed sratching his ass.....Oh those crazy taiwanese kids....................

Damm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ditto....... Posted by Hello

Ditto Posted by Hello

ditto Posted by Hello

The affects of Tyhpoon Arie Posted by Hello

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Here comes the big one.......

Well, not much went on today. Got up late cause I went to bed late. And wanted to do somethings, but outside was a tyhoon raging. So aint much I can do.The house ocationally rocks and the wind, is fierce. But it should pass in two days. Arggggghhhhh

Are you there God? It's me Jennifer....

So, I'm back in Taiwan after my little side trip to China. Now, I have been getting my house together and studying. I didn't know how well my Chinese would be after this summer, since I think that the Taiwanese speak too fast and incohient for me. But it's actually stood the test of time. So, I feel much more confident in going about things. Now of course that doesn't mean I won't get the "oh my god a foreigner is talking to me in Chinese" stare. Oh I will get that a lot. But something must be accepted and something, well something are something....
It's been kind of lonely lately for me. I'm in this wonderful rooftop apartment which has great night views, but I'm wondering how am I going to make friends. I would love to have people over now that I have moved somewhere I can do what I love-cook,but I haven't made any close group of friends in awhile. The most recent friend I had returned to the States, so he could complete his studies. Many of my other aqutances are in relationships, so here I am left to my own devices. This is the changelle of living overseas. Many of the guys here in Asia are quick to hook up with a lovely Asian lady. And the western women, well they fair better here in Taipei than another place. But with a Taiwanese guy, hard press cause they aren't looking outside their race. And with a western guy? Well, see the above sentence. Also, there's that thing of hooking up with people cause you are all foreigners in a foreign land thing you don't wanna do. You run the risk of being with people you wouldn't be with cause at home, which can be good and can be horrendous which ever way you see it. Lately I have just been prayin for a good school year. How ever that comes. Also, looking for places to find a dog, and thinking about what my purpose in this life is.
And if you are interested in seeing my summer pics...go to www://THMPICS.blogspot.com and enjoy.

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